
Showing posts from February, 2021

Things to know about hemorrhoids

In the lower portion of the anus and rectum, hemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen veins. They become annoyed when the walls of these vessels are stretched. Although hemorrhoids can be painful and uncomfortable, they are easily handled and very preventable. As hemorrhoids usually get worse over time, doctors recommend that as soon as they arise, they should be treated. Quick Hemorrhoids Knowledge When pregnant, women are more likely to get hemorrhoids. When the veins that surround the anus are engorged or swollen, hemorrhoids occur. Often, in order to treat hemorrhoids, medication and surgery are required. As a person ages, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. Treatments Simple interventions can relieve symptoms in the majority of cases, while hemorrhoids get better without treatment. Often, however, medications and even surgery can be required. Creams and ointments of topical source:  Over-the-counter (OTC) creams or suppositories containing hydrocortisone can be or...

Pile Treatment

 Piles are sometimes referred to as hemorrhoids, i.e. the anal canal, which are swollen blood vessels in the lower area. They are a dispersion of the normal mesh-work of blood vessels that line the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are graded into 4 grades/stages ranging from mild to extreme, with the mildest being grade 1 & with grade 4 having a swelling that persists and can not be forced in beyond the anal canal. Causes of Hemorrhoids Increase in pregnancy, childbirth & weight-lifting abdominal pressure Piles are usually caused by pressure, which is primarily due to constipation or a condition in which the bowels are difficult to empty. Sitting or standing for long hours, usually when at work or travelling. A diet poor in fiber. Intake per day of less than 30 grams of fiber With obesity. Since extra weight places pressure on the rectum and anus veins. The Signs of Hemorrhoids Unusual scratching in the anal area or inflammation Feces leakage During bowel movements, ongoing pain and...

How an obstetric fistula affects the everyday life of a woman

An abnormal opening between the vagina and the bladder or rectum is the obstetric fistula, which leads to continuous urinary or fecal incontinence. When women do not have access to reliable emergency obstetric care facilities, it is primarily caused by very long or obstructed labor. Constant urinary incontinence is encountered by women who undergo this preventable illness, frequently leading to social isolation, skin infections, kidney disorders and even death if left untreated. In poor, rural areas where the women affected live in dirt-floor dwellings and lack access to drinking water and incontinence pads, obstetric fistula most frequently occurs. A woman with a fistula faces devastating physical and psychological effects under these conditions. She suffers from constant infections and discomfort without being able to control the leakage of her body's waste. Her scent scares her husband, family and friends away all too much. With little cultural awareness of fistula and its cause...

Hemorrhoid Pregnancy: What You Need to Do

During pregnancy, are hemorrhoids different? No one wants to speak about them, but for many individuals, hemorrhoids are a fact of life, particularly during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are essentially veins that have grown large and swollen inside or outside the anus. They can look like varicose veins when they are outside your body, sometimes called piles. During pregnancy, hemorrhoids develop frequently, especially in the third trimester and during and shortly after childbirth. Often during pregnancy may you develop hemorrhoids, or you can even have them at other times of your life. Pregnancy may be special to the causes of your hemorrhoids. With home-based therapies and lifestyle changes, you can also treat or avoid hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids during pregnancy, what to expect? There are two varieties of hemorrhoids that are: The internal hemorrhoids that are in your body External hemorrhoids that are found outside your body Hemorrhoid During Pregnancy Symptoms Bleeding Itching...

Home Hemorrhoid Remedies

In the anus and rectum, haemorrhoids, also called piles, are swollen veins. Symptoms that are normal can include discomfort, itching, and rectal bleeding. They can grow within or outside the anus and rectum, respectively, called internal and external hemorrhoids. An incredibly common issue is hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera Historically, aloe vera gel has been used to treat hemorrhoids and diverse skin disorders. It is suspected that it has anti-inflammatory effects, which may help alleviate discomfort. The National Center for Complimentary and Integrated Health lists it as likely to be very safe for topical use, although there is insufficient clinical data on the efficacy of aloe vera gel for hemorrhoids. The gel can be used in other products as an ingredient, but for hemorrhoids, you can only use pure aloe vera gel. You can also extract pure aloe vera gel directly from within the leaves of an aloe plant. Warm Bath Warm baths can help to soothe hemorrhoid inflammation. You may use a seat b...