Pile Treatment

 Piles are sometimes referred to as hemorrhoids, i.e. the anal canal, which are swollen blood vessels in the lower area. They are a dispersion of the normal mesh-work of blood vessels that line the anal canal.

Hemorrhoids are graded into 4 grades/stages ranging from mild to extreme, with the mildest being grade 1 & with grade 4 having a swelling that persists and can not be forced in beyond the anal canal.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

  • Increase in pregnancy, childbirth & weight-lifting abdominal pressure
  • Piles are usually caused by pressure, which is primarily due to constipation or a condition in which the bowels are difficult to empty.
  • Sitting or standing for long hours, usually when at work or travelling.
  • A diet poor in fiber. Intake per day of less than 30 grams of fiber
  • With obesity. Since extra weight places pressure on the rectum and anus veins.

The Signs of Hemorrhoids

  • Unusual scratching in the anal area or inflammation
  • Feces leakage
  • During bowel movements, ongoing pain and bleeding
  • Swelling of the anus around
  • Near the anus, painful lumps
No matter how demanding and unmanageable the treatment of hemorrhoids/piles can look, we are here to take care of it. We're mindful of your cause. Our surgeons & staff are internationally trained and experienced to ensure that we offer you and nothing less, at smiles, the best Piles treatment in Bangalore.
We specialize in providing treatment for Piles without surgery, Chirag Hospital. To provide minimally invasive treatment for piles from the early stages, we use natural & sustainable techniques.
Early Stage Treatment with Piles without Surgery
  • Ayurveda
  • Yoga
  • Homeopathy
  • Unani
  • Siddha
  • Lifestyle modifications
Advanced treatments for Piles:
  • DG-HAL RAR , also known as HALO
  • MIPH/ PPH, also known as Stapler surgery
  • RFA (RadioFrequency Ablation)
  • IRC
Our goal is to provide the Best Piles Treatment in Bangalore and to expand our goal to every corner of the globe. Our physicians are able to handle all phases of piles in a managed way, pain-free, patient-friendly. Thus, keeping the patient happy & blessed within 24 hours to get back to their regular activities. Contact now at 08037518692
Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


  1. Yes your Blog is Much informative and interesting but i need more info about severe Hemorrhoids causes and TreatmentBawaseer ka ilaj


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