Hemorrhoid Pregnancy: What You Need to Do

During pregnancy, are hemorrhoids different?

No one wants to speak about them, but for many individuals, hemorrhoids are a fact of life, particularly during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are essentially veins that have grown large and swollen inside or outside the anus.

They can look like varicose veins when they are outside your body, sometimes called piles. During pregnancy, hemorrhoids develop frequently, especially in the third trimester and during and shortly after childbirth.

Often during pregnancy may you develop hemorrhoids, or you can even have them at other times of your life.

Pregnancy may be special to the causes of your hemorrhoids. With home-based therapies and lifestyle changes, you can also treat or avoid hemorrhoids.

If you have hemorrhoids during pregnancy, what to expect?

There are two varieties of hemorrhoids that are:
  • The internal hemorrhoids that are in your body
  • External hemorrhoids that are found outside your body

Hemorrhoid During Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Bleeding
  • Itching 
  • Swelling
  • Burning
  • Painful bowel movements
  • An extended area of skin near to your anus

After pregnancy, do hemorrhoids go away?

After pregnancy and childbirth, your hemorrhoids can fully disappear without any treatment, as your hormone levels, blood volume, and intra-abdominal pressure decrease after delivery.

What is the treatment during pregnancy for hemorrhoids?

You should try to reduce hemorrhoids with a lot of home remedies and lifestyle changes.
  • Using wipes or pads that have witch hazel in them.
  • Using a sitting bath or dip in clean hot water a few times a day for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat high-fiber foods to help keep your stools smooth.
  • Hold an ice pack in the area several times a day for a few minutes.
  • For long periods of time, stop straining when making a bowel motion or sitting on the toilet.
  • Instead of sitting to reduce pressure on your anus, lie on your side.

Clinical treatment

Before treating hemorrhoids at home, you may want to see a doctor. This will ensure that you get a proper diagnosis and understand the options available to you for treatment.
Always talk to your doctor during pregnancy before taking any medication, including medication that is applied to your skin. This will ensure that therapies do not pose a risk to your child.

To relieve constipation, your doctor may be able to recommend a safe laxative or suppository. During pregnancy, witch hazel may also be a homeopathic treatment for hemorrhoids, but always talk to your doctor first.

During pregnancy, how can you prevent hemorrhoids?

You can try to reduce hemorrhoids in several ways or prevent them from developing.
  • Eat a diet full of foods that are high in fiber, such as vegetables and fruit.
  • To help keep your stools soft and your bowel movements regular, drink plenty of water.
  • When using the toilet, stop straining.
  • Move about by walking as much as you can to stop long sitting times.
  • Speak to your doctor about adding a supplement that helps reduce constipation to your diet.
It is normal to have hemorrhoids during pregnancy. As they can get worse, seek care immediately if you find a hemorrhoid.

You can try out several home remedies, but you will still need medical attention. Speak to your doctor about any medication that your pregnancy may be affected by.

Your hemorrhoids can clear up on their own after childbirth without any treatment.

To get a piles treatment in Bangalore, contact Chirag Hospital to meet best proctologist call now at 08037518692

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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