Foods to Fight Hemorrhoids - Foods for Piles

The pain, tenderness, bleeding, and extreme itching that haemorrhoids cause are frequently enough to drive you insane.

These distended or enlarged veins in the anus and lower sections of the rectum, often known as piles, can clot or swell if left untreated, necessitating surgery.

Fortunately, many foods can help relieve symptoms and possibly prevent piles from forming in the first place.

Here are some meals that can assist with haemorrhoids.


One of the most important things to remember when trying to avoid or prevent piles flare-ups is to make sure you're receiving enough fibre.

Food contains two forms of fibre: soluble and insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre helps bulk up your stool while soluble fibre creates a gel in your digestive tract and can be digested by friendly microorganisms.

Most adults should consume 21–38 grammes per day, though this varies by age and gender.

Lentils and other legumes can help to bulk up your stool, reducing the need to strain when going to the bathroom. This may aid in the prevention of haemorrhoids or the alleviation of symptoms.


Whole grains, like legumes, are nutritious powerhouses. That's because they keep their germ, bran, and endosperm, which are high in fibre and other nutrients.

Insoluble fibre is particularly abundant in whole grains. This aids digestion, which can help to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with piles.

Remember that whole grains include more than just hearty whole-wheat flour and bread. This group also contains barley, corn, spelt, quinoa, brown rice, whole rye, and oats, which are all healthy choices.

It contains beta-glucan, a type of soluble fibre that promotes your gut microbiome by serving as a prebiotic. Prebiotics aid in the feeding of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Broccoli and other members of the cruciferous group of vegetables

Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, arugula, bok choy, kale, radishes, turnips, and cabbage are all cruciferous vegetables.

While they're best known for their cancer-fighting abilities, they also provide a significant amount of insoluble fibre.

Gut bacterial diversity has been related to a more resilient gastrointestinal system and enhanced immunity. Cruciferous vegetables are an excellent alternative for preventing piles because of this, as well as their high insoluble fibre content.

Vegetables with roots

Sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, rutabagas, carrots, and potatoes are substantial and nutritious root vegetables.

They're high in gut-friendly fibre, with 3–5 grammes per serving.

Furthermore, boiled and cooled white potatoes contain resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that passes through your digestive tract undigested. It, like soluble fibre, aids in the feeding of your beneficial gut bacteria.

Because it relieves constipation, it may help with piles symptoms.

Roasting, steaming, sautéing, or boiling root vegetables with their skins on is the best way to incorporate them into your diet. They're also delicious mashed or sliced up and baked skin-on as a fry alternative.

Bell peppers

Bell pepper is another excellent veggie for preventing piles.

Nearly 2 grammes of fibre are included in each cup of sliced mild peppers.

Bell peppers, while not as fibrous as some of the other vegetables on this list, are extremely hydrating, with a water content of 93%.

This, along with fibre, makes it simpler to pass your faeces and minimises straining.

Cucumbers and melons

The Cucurbitaceae family includes cucumbers and melons.

They're great ways to get fibre and water into your digestive tract, just like bell peppers and celery.

When eating cucumber, make sure to keep the peel on to obtain the maximum fibre.


Although all berries are fibrous, raspberries stand out as a fibre powerhouse.

Simply consume 1 cup of raw raspberries to get 8 grammes of fibre and 85 percent of the water content.

These nutrients will work together to make it easy to go to the bathroom without having to strain.


Drinking plenty of water will make your stools softer and easier to pass.

The amount of water you should drink is determined by your age, gender, and degree of exercise. Make it a habit to drink water the bulk of the time. Infuse it with lemon slices or berries if it needs a little more flavour.

Other low-sugar beverages, such as unsweetened or mildly sweetened teas and clear low-sodium broths, may be used on occasion.

To get the best piles treatment in Bangalore, contact now to book an appointment 08037518692 at Chirag Hospital.

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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