The Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Treatment for Piles

Laser haemorrhoids surgery for piles is one of the most popular and cutting-edge treatments for piles that has recently gained a lot of traction. When the patient is suffering greatly and the pain is unbearable, it is regarded the best operation. 

To get rid of uncomfortable piles, you have a few options. Surgery is the most effective treatment, especially when the disease has progressed. If surgery is determined to be the best choice for treating piles, laser treatment may be the best alternative.

Laser surgery is becoming increasingly popular. There are a few clear advantages and disadvantages of laser treatment that one should be aware of.

The following are some of the reasons why people prefer to have laser piles surgery:

It's a lot less painful and a lot safer.

It's excruciating! When people consider considering surgery, this is the first thought that comes to mind. One of the least painful surgical treatments for piles is laser treatment. Most people used to be afraid of piles surgery because of the amount of discomfort it produced. There are no sparks, steam, or smoke produced during laser surgery. As a result, the surgery is risk-free.

Bleeding is reduced.

Another significant benefit of laser surgery is that it does not involve much bleeding. By restricting blood arteries and tissues, laser haemorrhoids surgery helps to reduce the amount of blood flow. The operation has no effect on the tissues surrounding the hemorrhoid. Laser treatment is a fantastic alternative for treating piles because it causes less bleeding.

Treatment in a fast

Another advantage of laser treatment for piles is that it takes very little time to complete the procedure. The surgery takes about 45 minutes to complete in most situations. Some alternative treatments can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fully recover. As a result, laser surgery is a superior option.

Fast Discharge

Staying in the hospital for an extended period of time is undoubtedly unpleasant. The patient who undergoes laser haemorrhoids surgery does not need to spend the entire day in the hospital. In many situations, the patient is discharged from the hospital within an hour after the surgery's completion. This reduces the cost of staying in the hospital overnight.

Quick Recovery

Other advantages of laser treatment include the ability to cure piles. After a minimum of two days of rest, patients can resume their normal routine. Even though a patient is allowed to return home within an hour following surgery, resting for a few hours is necessary for the procedure to recover completely. In any case, the healing process takes a fraction of the time. By simply resting for a few days, one can return to his or her typical routine.

Simple to Execute

It is much easier to perform laser surgery than it is to perform traditional surgery. Because the surgeon has far more control over the process, this is the case. The amount of work required by the surgeon in laser haemorrhoids surgery is significantly reduced. When a surgeon's workload is lightened, the results are always better.

The Disadvantages of Laser Treatment for Piles

Everything, in general, has advantages and disadvantages. As a result, there are a few disadvantages to using laser treatment for piles.

Here is a list of some of the disadvantages of laser treatment for haemorrhoids.

Expensive Instrumentation

The equipment needed to perform laser surgery is quite costly. This makes installation difficult for many clinics and hospitals. As a result, locating the appropriate clinic becomes difficult.

It has the potential to start a fire.

There have been a few instances where the laser surgical equipment caught fire while being used to perform laser haemorrhoids surgery. Normally, this does not occur. In any case, it can happen due to a manufacturing flaw or if the equipment is not properly maintained or operated safely. It is natural for people to damage the equipment if they do not know how to use it safely.

To get to know more about piles treatment meet piles doctors in Bangalore, contact Chirag Hospital now at 08037518692 to book an appointment

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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