What is the difference between normal pile surgery and laser pile surgery?

Nowadays, everybody understands what piles are. People are aware of the causes of piles. However, they always overestimate stacks. They want surgery when they are no longer able to be cured by medication. We must remember that piles care is determined by the grade of your piles, which means that the grade at which your piles issue appears will determine whether or not you will undergo piles surgery. To be honest, most people don't need piles surgery, but they're too embarrassed to talk to a doctor about it, so they start taking drugs on their own or by mouth, and the condition progresses to the point that surgery is the only option. So don't be shy; if you think you have a problem, talk to your doctor or proctologist about it.

Today in this post, I'd like to focus solely on piles surgeries; until a few years ago, there was only one form of piles surgery; however, with advancements in technology, we now have a modern technique known as Laser; hence, let's look at the differences between traditional piles surgery and Laser piles surgery. If the first line of treatment fails, the doctor will most likely suggest a surgical operation to shrink or remove the hemorrhoid. Though traditional surgical options are still used, laser hemorrhoid surgery is quickly becoming a common alternative among doctors. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these procedures? We include all available options for piles care at Chirag Hospital, including normal piles treatment, laser piles treatment, rubber band litigation, medicine treatment, and more. Please contact us for more details.

What is normal piles treatment?

In many cases, definitive treatment involves Surgery that involves cutting in the affected areas and is known to be painful, requiring a lengthy recovery period, multiple dressings, and clinic visits. Despite the excruciating pain, there is a substantial risk of recurrence. Hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that removes hemorrhoid's from the body. 

You will be given general or spinal anaesthesia to prevent you from feeling pain. Around the hemorrhoid, incisions are made in the tissue. To prevent bleeding, the swollen vein inside the hemorrhoid is tied off, and the hemorrhoid is removed. It is possible to sew the surgical area shut or leave it open. The wound is covered with medicated gauze.

What happens when you've had a normal piles treatment?

  • You will be given a long-acting local anaesthetic right after the surgery, when you are still under anaesthesia. It should last 6 to 12 hours after surgery to provide pain relief. If you are not staying in the hospital overnight following surgery, you will be allowed to leave only after the anaesthesia has worn off and you have urinated. The inability to urinate may be caused by tissue swelling or a spasm of the pelvic muscles.
  • You should have someone drive you home.

How Strong Is It?

Hemorrhoids are normally treated with surgery. However, the long-term effectiveness of hemorrhoid surgery is highly dependent on the ability to improve your everyday bowel behaviours in order to prevent constipation and straining. Hemorrhoids reappear in about 5 out of 100 people following surgery.

What is laser piles treatment?

However, laser surgery is also less invasive. There is no need to cut any tissues. The problem is solved in a matter of minutes by simply treating the affected area with laser energy in a precise and concentrated manner. Patients should return to their regular routines immediately following surgery. In contrast to traditional open surgical hemorrhoidectomy, laser hemorrhoidoplasty is favoured. When compared to surgical procedures, laser procedures result in considerably less postoperative pain. In a laser treatment, the duration period is greatly reduced.

For both doctors and patients, laser surgery for piles is the preferred choice. It is possible to get the operation done as an outpatient procedure, which is often more convenient. The surgeon will use a laser to detect the exact tissue that needs to be treated. The tissues in the close surroundings are unaffected.

In the case of patients, laser treatment for piles is preferable because it involves no bleeding and allows for a faster recovery. The treatment is painless and does not necessitate the use of any drug. The surgery is relatively painless.

The laser is concentrated on the infected region during the operation, and it seals off the tiny blood vessels and nerves. There is very little pain for the patients when the nerve endings are closed. Furthermore, one of the key reasons why laser hemorrhoid surgery is favoured is because it is a highly effective operation.

What conditions can be helped by laser surgery?

We currently provide laser treatments for the conditions mentioned below:
  • Piles
  • Fistula
  • Fissure
  • Pilonidal sinus

What happens after the procedure?

Patients will be released the same day if the procedure takes just a few minutes. Ashes, stitches, wounds, or dressings are not present. There is no discomfort or bleeding. They will resume their daily diet four hours after the operation and return to work in 24 to 48 hours. There are no limitations, and you won't have to go to the doctor again.

The advantages of using laser surgery to treat piles

  • In comparison to other procedures, the patient experiences significantly less pain.
  • The treatment does not necessitate hospitalisation. The patient could be released the same day.
  • Laser surgery is much safer than normal surgical procedures.
  • Since the laser seals off the blood vessels in the anal area, minimal bleeding occurs during the procedure.
  • The surgeon has a variety of choices for using the laser beam effectively, increasing the surgery's chances of success.
  • The surgeon's job is much less difficult and dangerous.
  • Helps the wound to heal quickly.
  • Since no general anaesthesia is needed for the operation, recovery is much quicker.
Get the best piles treatment in Bangalore at Chirag Hospital, Contact now at 08037518692

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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