Laser Piles Treatment

Laser proctology is the use of a laser to cure diseases of the colon, anus, and rectum. A few diseases that can be successfully treated with laser techniques include haemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures, polyps, and Pilonidal Sinus. In both men and women, laser treatment for piles and fissures is becoming increasingly common.

What is laser piles surgery?

During surgical operations, a laser is a high-energy light that is used to safely cut or burn the damaged tissue. The laser procedures are more sophisticated and safer than ever before; they leave no scars, are painless, and have fewer risks.

What makes laser surgery superior to normal surgery?

Laser surgery, also known as laser therapy, is a day-care treatment with a number of benefits over conventional surgery. Laser surgery successfully removes haemorrhoids, improves symptoms, and decreases post-operative discomfort as compared to banding surgery. Due to ever-growing advantages, patients with extreme anal spasms, external thrombosis, fissure, and sentinel tags, fistula, and varicose veins see similar benefits.
  • Less time in the surgery room, and discharge in a matter of hours
  • In 3-5 days, you'll be back to normal.
  • no scars 
  • Since there are no cuts or stitches, the healing time is the quickest.
  • Symptoms are relieved quickly
  • During surgery, there is less blood loss.
  • Infection risk is reduced.
  • High rates of success
  • There is no requirement for general anaesthesia. This surgery can be performed under local or spinal anaesthesia.

What types of anorectal disorders necessitate laser surgery?


Excessive arterial blood flow causes dilations in the hemorrhoidal plexuses and, as a result, congestion in the piles or haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are enlargements of veins at the intersection of the rectum and the anus.


A small tear or crack in the anus lining is known as an anal fissure. When passing hard or large stools, an anal fissure may form, causing pain and bleeding during bowel movements.


An anal fistula is a thin, infected channel that develops near the anus between the end of the bowel and the skin. An infection in an anal gland that spreads to the skin causes the majority of anal fistulas.

Pilonidal cysts

Pilonidal cysts are sacs filled with hair and skin debris that grow above the sacrum at the top of the buttocks crease. If the cyst and the overlying skin become infected, a painful abscess may develop.

What do you expect previous to, during, and after laser piles surgery or procedures?

The medical staff will explain the procedure to you and provide you with reminders about what to do and what not to do before and after the surgery. You may also be subjected to several pre-operative tests.

A specialist team of anaesthetists, laser proctology surgeons, and other medical personnel perform surgery under local anaesthesia. Surgeons perform surgery in a few minutes to an hour, depending on the type of surgery.

You will need to stay in the hospital for a few hours or overnight, depending on your health. The time it takes to recover varies from person to person. In most cases, patients are able to resume normal activities within a day or two.

Finally, If you are looking for a laser piles treatment in Bangalore? Chirag Hospital is the best place for you. Contact now to book an appointment - 08037518692

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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