How to Treat Hemorrhoids with Epsom Salt

Hemorrhoids are a very serious medical problem. They're also known as stacks. They grow as the veins in the anus and rectum swell.

Hemorrhoids usually recover on their own after a few weeks, but they can cause discomfort, scratching, and rectal bleeding in the interim.

Taking an Epsom salt bath or applying an Epsom salt paste are two home therapies and natural remedies that can help.

Make sure you're using real Epsom salt

Epsom salt is not the same as the salt you probably have in your kitchen. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate, while bath salt is sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is used to make table salt.

While there aren't many scientific trials to back up its claims, Epsom salt has been used to treat a variety of conditions for centuries, including:
  • Headaches
  • Cramps in the muscles
  • Inflammatory

How to make a hemorrhoid bath with Epsom salts

An Epsom salt bath can be used in two ways to treat haemorrhoids. You may either use a sitz bath or apply salt to the water in your bathtub.

A sitz bath is a shallow, circular basin that you can buy online or at your local pharmacy. The majority of them are designed to fit over the rim of your toilet, but you can also use it in your bathtub. They allow you to soak only your genital and anal areas without having to take a full bath.

A standard bathtub would also suffice. Just make sure it's safe before putting it to use. Spritz the inside of your tub with white vinegar before sprinkling baking soda on top. Scrub it thoroughly before rinsing it.

To take an Epsom salt bath, follow these steps:

  • 4 to 5 inches of warm water should be in your bathtub. Cold enough to dissolve the salt without scalding you If you're using a sitz bath, make sure there's enough warm water in the basin to soak the area without it overflowing.
  • To the warm water, add 2 cups of Epsom salt. Aim for 1/2 cup if you're using a sitz bath.
  • Soak for 10 to 20 minutes in the bath with your anal region submerged.
  • Rinse both yourself and the shower thoroughly. Instead of scrubbing, pat dry the area to prevent further discomfort.
This can be done up to three times a day. If at all necessary, take an Epsom salt bath after a bowel movement.

How to make a hemorrhoid paste with Epsom salts

If baths aren't your thing, consider making a paste and applying it to the infected area directly.

Follow these steps to produce and apply an Epsom salt paste:
  • Mix 2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin with 2 tablespoons Epsom salt in a small bowl until a paste develops.
  • Apply the paste directly to the infected region using a gauze pad. For 15 to 20 minutes, leave the pad in place.
  • Repeat this procedure every four to six hours until the pain is gone.
Hemorrhoids are fairly common and usually go away on their own. Taking Epsom salt baths or applying an Epsom salt paste to the affected area can help with pain relief during the healing process.

If you're in a lot of pain or your symptoms aren't improving after a couple of weeks, you can seek further care.

Meet piles doctors in Bangalore - Chirag Hospital

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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