
Haemorrhoids (piles) are lumps that form within and around your abdomen (anus). After a few days, they typically improve on their own. You can handle and avoid piles in a variety of ways.

Check to see if there are any piles.

Among the signs and symptoms of piles are:
  • an itchy irritation
  • feeling as if you ought to poo after using the restroom
  • lumps in the region of your anus
  • pain in the area of your anus
  • After you poo, you have bright red blood.

How to deal with or avoid piles

  • To keep your poo soft, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fibre.
  • If your piles are bothering you, take paracetamol.
  • Using moist toilet paper, clean your butt.
  • To relieve itching and discomfort, soak in a warm bath.
  • Moving a pile back inside gently.
  • To relieve pain, wrap an ice pack in a towel.
  • Maintain a clean and dry bottom.
  • Regular exercise is important.
  • To avoid constipation, limit the intake of alcohol and caffeine.

Inquire with a pharmacist about piles treatment options.

A pharmacist may make recommendations.
  • pain, scratching, and swelling relief creams
  • constipation and softening treatment poo
  • To relieve pain, use cold packs.
If you don't want to be overheard, many pharmacies have private rooms.

What are the causes of piles?

Pile formation is caused by swollen blood vessels. It's unclear what's causing them.
  • When pooing, don't push yourself too hard.
  • During pregnancy
  • exhausting lifting

When to see doctor

  • After 7 days of home care, there has been no change.
  • You continue to accumulate piles.
For haemorrhoids or constipation, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications.

Pile treatment in a hospital

If your piles do not improve after trying home remedies, you may need to go to the hospital.

Consult your doctor about the best course of action for you. Treatment does not always prevent the recurrence of piles.

Surgery-free treatment

Hospital treatments that are commonly used include:
  • Rubber band ligation: a band is wrapped around your piles, causing them to fall off.
  • Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a liquid is injected into your piles to cause them to shrink.
  • Electrotherapy involves the application of a gentle electric current to your piles in order to cause them to shrink.
  • Infrared coagulation: To shrink your piles, an infrared light is used to cut off the blood supply to them.
This type of treatment will keep you awake, but the area will be numbed. You should be able to return home that day.

If these treatments do not work, you may need to have your piles removed surgically.

Surgical procedures include:
  • Your piles are removed during a haemorrhoidectomy.
  • Stapled haemorrhoidopexy is when your piles are stapled back inside your anus.
  • Haemorrhoidal artery ligation: Stitches are used to cut off the blood supply to your piles, causing them to shrink.
This type of treatment usually requires you to be asleep, and you may need to stay in the hospital for more than one day.

To meet the best piles doctor in Bangalore, Contact now - 08037518692

Chirag Hospital is a renowned hospital offering facilities of Piles Treatment, Fissure Treatment, Fistula Treatment, Maternity & Gynaecology, General Surgery and Skin & Cosmetology. This hospital was incepted with an aim of ensuring reliable general healthcare facilities, surgical facilities and women health facilities.


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